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China Hosts the First ARF Workshop on Cyber Security
2013-09-13 17:41

From September 11 to 12, 2013, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Workshop on Measures to Enhance Cyber Security - Legal and Cultural Aspects, which was jointly hosted by China and Malaysia, was held in Beijing. This is the first time for China to host a workshop on cyber security under the framework of the ASEAN Regional Forum. Government officials, experts and scholars from ARF members including ASEAN countries, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, the United States, Canada, Australia and the European Union, officials from the ASEAN Secretariat, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and other representatives attended the workshop.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang and Mr. Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab, Secretary of the National Security Council, Prime Minister's Department of Malaysia attended the opening ceremony and delivered opening speeches. Zheng Zeguang said that cyber security is increasingly becoming the focus of attention worldwide. It requires the concerted efforts of the international community to respond to cyber security challenges. The development of the Internet needs to be guided by the legal rules. The development of the Internet needs to promote and respect cultural diversity. China is ready to take the opportunity to strengthen exchanges with the parties concerned in the field of cyber security, enhance mutual trust, promote cooperation and work together to build a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative cyberspace. Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab appreciated China's efforts for the successful hose of the workshop. He said that in the current situation, the rapid progress of the network creates development opportunities for countries, but it also poses serious security challenges. He hoped that the ARF members could enhance understanding and strengthen cooperation through frank exchanges so as to jointly cope with cyber security issues.

During the workshop, representatives had in-depth discussions around the latest development in cyber security and regional practice, cyber security capacity building, cultural context of cyberspace, regional cooperation in combating cyber crimes, the state's role in cyberspace and other topics and had an extensive exchange of views on strengthening cyber security cooperation.

On the evening of Sep. 11, Mr. Huang Huikang, legal advisor and Director-General, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab jointly hosted a welcome dinner for the participating representatives.

After the workshop, the representatives visited NQ Mobile.

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