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Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping Meets with Miroslav Jenca, Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia (UNRCCA)
2010-04-27 08:50

On April 27, 2010, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at request met with Miroslav Jenca, Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia (UNRCCA). Both sides exchanged in-depth views on the situation in Central Asia, the work of UNRCCA in Central Asia and other issues of common concern.

Cheng said that as a friendly neighbor, China pays close attention to the developments of the situation in Central Asia. China is ready to maintain communication and coordination with all parties concerned including UNRCCA and to make its due efforts in safeguarding peace, stability and development of Central Asia.

Jenca made positive comments on China’s role in promoting security and stability of Central Asia, saying that UNRCCA hopes to enhance exchanges with China and actively carry out cooperation on preventive diplomacy.

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