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Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying Meets with German Green Party Chairman Ozdemir
2010-03-17 08:25

On March 17, 2010, Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying, at request, met in the foreign ministry with visiting German Green Party Chairman Cem Ozdemir.

Fu said that the Chinese side attaches great importance to its relations with Germany and is willing to strengthen the exchanges with the German Green Party in order to increase mutual understanding. He also introduced China’s political, economic, social and legal framework development using the examples of the NPC and the CPPCC and elaborated China’s principled position on issues related with Tibet and human rights. Ozdemir noted that the German Green Party is committed to developing the long-term relations with the CPC and hopes to institutionalize the exchanges between the two parties so as to advance Germany-China relations. The successive federal governments and Green Party of Germany always abide by the one-China policy and oppose any action seeking Tibet’s independence and splitting of China. It is natural for both sides to have differences because of their different political and social systems and development stages, but they should enhance understanding and reinforce cooperation through dialogue and contacts.

Ozdemir was invited by the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC to China. In addition to Beijing, he will visit Changsha and attend the “race and integration” seminar. This is his first visit to China.

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